Selasa, 31 Desember 2013


It's been a while, isn't it?

Dan hari ini, hari terakhir di bulan Desember sekaligus hari terakhir ditahun 2013.
The day that bring our memories back to the days in 2013.
Happiness, sadness, pain, laughter, warmness, cries, all that we've felt and all the experiences that we've had makes us stronger and do better in the future.

Eak eak, wise bangeeet. Mati.

2013 for me:

Nilai UN memuaskan

Masuk SMA Negeri 1 atau kerennya SMANSA

Birthday Party

Nampil Saman pertama kali di Rohis Award SMANSA

Dapet penghargaan dari pak Walikota

Dan buaaaaanyak lagi hal- hal paling berkesan di 2013

to move on, to face things, to be strong,

to change for the better, and believe that there is 

something better in the future.

Also,  to be prepared for whatever life throws at me

Next year is in 6 hours...

Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Ever fall in love with someone you shouldnt've fallen in love with?

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

We should love, not fall in love. Because everything that falls, gets broken.

- Taylor Swift

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

Hello, people :)
Long time no see.

And i'm missing myself yang hobi ngoceh gak jelas di blog.

Giliran mau UAS, eh malah blogging. Gaapa, semuanya dikeluarin di detik detik sebelum UAS, jadi pas UAS ntar senin, hati, pikiran, dan semua- muanya jadi plong.

Entahlah, aku merindukan seseorang diluar sana yang entah mengapa dalam beberapa terakhir aku gak (bisa) temui. Tapi orang bilang dia ada disana. Dan yap, hari ini aku liat. I found him, so clearly. And you dunno how happy (semoga mukaku baik- baik saja tadi) i am. Totally speechless, and happy of course. I know, Just laugh. You'll never understand my feelings, it's totally complicated, i swear.

And here i am, still admiring, watching you from afar, willingly to lovin you more and more everyday. Shit, i think i'm in love.

"if you have a crush on somebody for more than 4 months, 

you're already in love."